If you are not ready to commit to full membership but would still like to help us, then Friends of Rotary might be for you.
If you are a charity, individual, or organisation and need a committed group to help you with your events, being a friend or a full member may also be of interest.

What is Rotary?
Rotary is one of the world’s leading membership and humanitarian service organisations, with 1.4 million members globally. Members of Rotary volunteer their time to make a difference in their local communities and around the world. Blyth Valley Rotary is one of 46,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide.
Who are friends of Rotary?
Men and women who live or work in or near the Blyth Valley area and who wish to support what their local Rotary Club does but prefer not to commit themselves to any regular expense or activity.
How much does it cost?
There is no subscription cost. The only costs are those for any meals if you attend our meetings.
What is my commitment?
There is no commitment. All we ask is that you respond to any requests for assistance with our events/projects letting us if you are available or not.
What do I get?
Regular communication keeping you up to date with our activities.
A standing invitation to attend and/or be involved in any of our events or meetings.
Insurance cover from Rotary, should you volunteer to help us.
An invitation for you and a spouse/friend to attend any of our social events, including our Annual Charter Night.
What do I have to do?
Simply complete the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you.
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